Assalamualaikum and hy my dear readers
nak cakap Happy new year jugak la walaupun post new year untuk Muharam saya dah post da.ok goodbye 2011, welcome 2012 and please be nice to me dan semoga saya rajin mencapai misi2 yang belum tercapai...insyaALLAH...
PERMULAAN 2012 ...dah cukup mencabar da...ermmm TODAY is 03.01.12..nice date right?? ermm ya its really nice and my 3rd final paper ..sekarang kan IIUM students tengah rajin2 study untuk final and mengoda soalan2 dengan menawarkan jawapan2 yang gempak, menarik dan tertarik untuk membaca dan menyemak...hee
Seriously, tarikh yang sangat saya takut la..Tidur pun tak ternampak2 jea subject ni..teruk sangat da ni .nak tahu kenapa??nak ke tahu?? ermm actually paper yang agak tough sepanjang saya menjadi communication student..paper yang saya study sangat2 and my CAM was very bad..sikit gilerrrrr sepanjang belajar kat UIA ni..sangat sikit..huk So, i really hope that i give my best in final but question pun susah..i am pretty sure that mostly bdak comm smua takut paper ni..nak tahu paper ape?? cer la cari COMM and exam hari tu..frust sangat niiiiiii
Honestly to say that , hati saya sangat tak tenang, tenteram and gelisah selepas jawab paper tu..tekanan yang cukup tinggi.i don't want to see this subject again and for u my dear sir, i want to meet you again BUT not in this subject..maybe another subject and believe me i'll try more harder to score in your subject..serious and promise.BUT i dont want to see this subjet again..sir , tolonglah be nice while marking paper kite orangggggg...really hope dat...
ermmm wanna cry tapi tengah tahan la ni...tahan je la dear blog, please show your support to me..really really give up...i hope this feeling will recover soon...i dont want to say this but this subject one of the nightmare for me..really2 hard..seriouslyyy ..friendly reminder here for those who want to take this subject, pleaseeee and pleaseeeeeeee be prepare my dear friends ..i always remember my motto D.U.I.T. (Doa+usaha+ikhtiar=tawakal) I really really really hope that and pray ALLAH will soften his heart while making our final paper and please help your students..we are trying so hard sir... i'm study hard for this subject..serioussssssssssslyyyyyyyy...
YA ALLAH, tolonglah bagi ketenangan kat hati hambamu ni dan lembutkanlah hati untuk yang tanda kertas exam ini..tolonglah YA ALLAH.
another 3 more papers to go and this saturday i have 2 papers..untuk paper ini yang buat saya sangat downnnnn , saya mengharapkan keajaiban ..really hope for miracle and i really put my trust to ALLAH..please help us YA ALLAH..doa salah satu senjata orang mukmin..jom kawan2 kita berdoa...
~wasalam w.b.t ~
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